ECE Notes
ECE Notes
B.Tech ECE Notes
SRMIST, Academic Year: 2020-24 Notes
Collection of all notes of SRMIST B.Tech Electronics and Communications Dept. for the academic year: 2020-24. Visit the Repository or Drive to access all notes, additional resources for studying and how to study each subject.
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1Semester 1
Credits: 20
Number of Courses: 8
2Semester 2
Credits: 21
Number of Courses: 8
3Semester 3
Credits: 24
Number of Courses: 9
4Semester 4
Credits: 22
Number of Courses: 8
5Semester 5
Credits: 23
Number of Courses: 9
6Semester 6
Credits: 24
Number of Courses: 10
7Semester 7
Credits: 16
Number of Courses: 5
8Semester 8
Credits: 10
Number of Courses: 1
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